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Wednesday 4 August 2010

Birthdays, potato digging and marrow rum

Yesterday was my birthday.  I had a busy day at work, but enjoyed my lunch break digging up potatoes on the company allotment.  Yes, we have a company allotment!  This is it's first year, and it's been brilliant!  The potatoes we dug up had done pretty well - three Charlotte plants had produced a trug full, and three Rocket plants had some pretty chunky ones.  Not bad at all.
Collecting the rest of the ready produce - broad beans, french beans, peas, courgettes, lettuces, onions and carrots - the discussion moved on to marrows.  So far, we've avoided growing 'marrows' from the courgette plants, but one of the team said he had quite a few accidental marrows at home.  Then came the suggestion of making marrow rum.  This intrigued me, being a budding brewer in my spare time, with quite a bit of elderflower champagne stashed away for summer-time drinking this year.  So I'm told, you take a marrow, scoop out the seeds, fill with brown sugar and leave to ferment and drip out the bottom.
So, today, when I came into work, I found a 'marrow' aka large courgette on my desk.  Thanks, C.  So, if I have time at the weekend, I'll be investigating the blogs for recommended recipes and get on with it.

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