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Tuesday 21 June 2011

Farewell Woody

Our darling Woody has finally given up.  We knew she wasn't looking good, and although a week of antibiotics helped, I think that old age got the better of her.  Late last week she laid a lash, which is apparently common in ex-batts and older girls.  From then on she was very subdued, although still eating a bit.
So Salisbury is on her own, which I don't think she'll mind too much, with the neighbours chooks through the garden fence.  But hopefully we'll get some more ex-batts in September and before then we might acquire a couple of the neighbours hybrids which are not yet at point of lay, so young girls for us!

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Bloody mites

Literally.  Still haven't got rid of them from the chook house since last summer.  I keep squashing the buggers whilst sat here at my computer, since I picked up a few in the seconds it took to close the girls in tonight.  Some more serious bug-killing action is required at the weekend. *scratch scratch*.

Thursday 2 June 2011


I'm eating home-grown radishes and lollo rossa in a wrap.  Feeling very smug.

Of course, on it's own that would be very boring, so I've also put in a left over sausage, a bit of ham and a dollop of mayo.  Nom nom nom.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

1st June - Summer is here!

Kittens have been venturing in the garden for a couple of days now.  They love it.  They also enjoy a game of chase when we want them back inside.
Elderflowers are mostly out now, so made the first batch of champagne and wine yesterday.  Looking forward to sunny evenings, popping bottles and relaxing with the kits in the garden.