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Monday 7 February 2011

Garden update

The daffodils have flowered!  I love the first sign of spring, and the daffs near our back door make me smile every morning now.  I'm also pleased to see Dwarf iris 'Harmony' has raised it's little head after planting last October time.  It's even sprung up in a patch I completely forgot I planted it in!

The garlic is on its way up, which is good news as we only got it in the ground about a month ago and I thought it would be slow to take off since we missed the coldest, shortest days of winter.  

The chooks are learning to perch, as of last night when I transferred Jemima and Woody from their comfy nest boxes to sit next to Salisbury on the wooden perch.  Woody was mystified, Jemima was defiant and telling me off.  But they both stayed put.  Even laying an egg this morning, Woody hadn't budged.  Luckily (or not, some would think) the egg had a soft landing in a pile of poo!  After a quick scrub, it'll be perfect for breakfast next weekend. :)

Sonny and Mario have been brilliant fun so far, they're proper looney and probably short of a few brain cells after the number of crashes, bumps and tumbles they've had.  They are also superb farters.  Our house now has a unique aroma...  Oh well.